Wines of Chateau
Château Caillou
2ème Grand Cru Classé en 1855
Appellation Sauternes
En chiffres
Château Caillou has a surface of 16 hectares and is located in the region of “Haut-Barasc” at 30 minutes drive from Bordeaux. 13 hectares are classified as a Grand Cru Classé in 1855. Château owes its name to its underground composed of chalky and clayey plateau mixed with red sand rich in flagstones and rocks which bring the wine its delicate flavour. The vineyard is composed of two grape variesties ; Sémillon (90 %) and Sauvignon (10%). Sémillon is known for developing ” the botrytis cinéréa” also called the “noble rot” and gives the wine a fine and sweet taste with honey, amada and cinnamon aromas. The 10 % left (Sauvignon) brings more freshness to the wine and adds some citrus, lemon and exotic fruits aromas. The entire harvest has to be made by hand. The famous “Botrytis Cynerea” grows gradually, involving three or four “hand picked sessions” throughout the season. This special reason explains why the picking stage can last until the middle of November. Every day is planned in order to harvest a “large number” of grapes in order to obtain a must concentrated in taste and aromas. Our purpose is to be able to select the most “botryisés” by looking for the closest association of freshness, fineness, pureness and balance. These four words describes perfectly the reputation of Château Caillou.
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